Our Services

List of services of «TimalConsultingGroup» LLP:

Geological study of subsurface, Research and development and preparation of research works:

  • Projectsofexploration and appraisal works of exploration blocks;
  • Estimation, reestimation, increment, conversion of reserves of oil, gas and condensate fields;
  • Structural modeling;
  • Geophysicalandpetrophysicalmodeling;
  • Geologicalmodelformationofoil and gas fields;
  • Expertreviewofestimation, reestimation, incrementof oil, gas and condensate reserves reports.

Preparationofproject documentation of Research and development works:

  • PreparationofProcessflowschemeandoil and gas fields development projects;
  • Authorial Supervision for realization of oil, gas condensate, gas, water fields development projects;
  • Oil, gasandcondensatefields development analysis;
  • Formationofhydrodynamicfields model;
  • Calculations of Technical and Economic Substantiation of Oil Recovery Factor (TEO KIN).

Performanceofworksandrendering of services in the field of environmental protection:

  • PreparationofPre-Environmental Impact Assessment (PRE-EIA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) projectsduring oil, gas and condensate fields development.

Databases creation and softwarewriting to extend the functional capabilities of Petrel program of Schlumberger company